anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Contemplative spirituality

Reflections Leonie Clancy on the Portuguese Coastal Way Camino Reflections

The way of contemplation

“Initially, I experienced meditation in the Buddhist way of chanting, but once I was introduced to Christian meditation it became my way. I first met in person with a beautiful group of people; however, I have discovered that time and space are no barriers to gathering with others for meditation. Meditating together can happen over Zoom, via a phone teleconference and in any other digital spaces where people can gather,” says Leonie Clancy from Holy Hermits Online

One of the ancient spiritual practices Year 11 CHAC students have enjoyed learning about is the use of prayer beads, including the history of how different faith traditions have used beads for meditation over the centuries

Anglican prayer beads: history and resources

CHAC’s Maria Thompson and Year 11 students Alice and Charlize tell us about the history of prayer beads and how they have embraced making unique Anglican prayer beads as they explore spirituality