anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community


" is sometimes difficult to determine the exact point at which a tempting thought becomes a sinful one," (The Rev'd Charlie Lacey)

Tough Questions: How do we control our thoughts?

“Temptation itself is not sin. Even Jesus was tempted by the devil for forty days in the wilderness, yet he was without sin. Temptation is an invitation to sin, which can be accepted or refused,” says The Rev’d Charlie Lacey from St Andrew’s, Springfield


A school sacristan’s thoughts on “Embracing Joy”

“We must treat each part of the body kindly to maintain a healthy relationship with our whole body. Thus, it only makes sense that we should love and care for everyone. It does not come down to some being more important than others, but rather that we are all people made in God’s image, which is reason enough to celebrate our diversity,” says St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School sacristan Monica Behrenbruch

Homilies & Addresses

Mothering Sunday: 27 March 2022 – St John’s East Malvern (Melbourne)

“I was not the best with sailing growing up, especially given that I am from the sea. I suffered terrible seasickness as a child. Whenever we sailed, I would always stay on deck, close to my father so I felt safe… As we sat around my father while he steered the rudder, he told us that, ‘The rainbow is God’s creation and God made this world in beautiful colours, including his people.’ He then told us not to be judgmental and to always respect, honour and listen to one another. He said that loving others is always the most important thing,” said Aunty Dr Rose Elu during her Mothering Sunday sermon at St John’s East Malvern


St Bart's Kids eBook – 1 Corinthians 16.13-18

Check out the latest scripture e-Books from Resource Church St Bart’s, Toowoomba, which adapt Old and New Testament scriptures for young children, including this one titled, ‘Stand Firm’ from 1 Corinthians 16.13-18


St Bart's Kids eBook – 1 Corinthians 15.1-23

Check out the latest scripture e-Books from Resource Church St Bart’s, Toowoomba, which adapt Old and New Testament scriptures for young children, including this one titled, ‘Resurrection’ from 1 Corinthians 15.1-23