anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Dr Rowan Williams

Features Peter Branjerdporn Features

Climate scarves, teal independents and proposed treaty

“My friend knitted 100 colourful stripes representing temperatures from the past 100 years – the blue hues represent the years when the Earth was relatively cool; the cream and yellow indicate the years things got a bit warmer; and, the reds represent the years that became very hot,” says the Justice Unit’s Peter Branjerdporn


‘Utterly orthodox and utterly radical’

“The Anglican Communion honours this 20th century martyr with a stone statue, along with nine other modern-day martyrs, installed above the Great West Door of Westminster Abbey, which was unveiled during the 1998 Lambeth Conference,” says The Rev’d Samuel Dow on Oscar Romero, who was assassinated 40 years ago this month


Easter: something we live and breathe

Bishop Jeremy Greaves explores the meaning of Easter, as an event that transcends a single day and should impact the whole of our lives: “Perhaps that’s why we get the great 50 Days of Easter – so we can practise ‘living and breathing’ it for just a little while before we pack it all away for another year”


Dr Rowan Williams supports nonviolent direct action against climate change

Former Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams expresses his concerns about climate change and its threat to ‘our species on this planet in the long term’ and ‘in the middle term…some of the most vulnerable populations on earth’ and supports the right of school students to protest, ‘putting the case for the human race before those in power’