anglican focus

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Humanitarian aid

Justice & Advocacy Doctor in scrubs sitting on a park bench Justice & Advocacy

What is happening to Christian and Muslim Palestinians in Gaza and how can we help them?

“As a doctor, it is amazing to see how efficiently resources are mobilised here in Australia when an unwell or injured child comes into our emergency departments…But no resources are accessible to Palestinian children in Gaza — hospitals have been intentionally destroyed and humanitarian medical aid intentionally blocked. Children in Gaza are being left to die hungry and in pain. Why? Because Israel and its allies deem it acceptable since these children were born Palestinian. As a Palestinian and as a doctor my heart breaks every day I am unable to stop this from happening to my people,” says Dr Ahmad Abou-Sweid

Early morning in a jungle camp where IDPs hide from Indonesian forces. People living here fled from Kiwi, Pegunungan Bintang regency, West Papua. Alut Bakon is one of the jungle areas where Internally Displaced People have taken refuge. There is no education and no health service and there is no access for humanitarian organisations or support. On 16 September 2021 the village was attacked by air by Indonesian forces destroying and damaging many houses and public buildings including a clinic and church. People from the village fled into the surrounding jungles. According to eyewitnesses, three people returning to the village have been shot dead by Indonesian sniper fire from Kiwirok since the attack in September 2021. The villagers remain too afraid to return to their village and farms and they eke out an existence in the jungle. Photo: photo supplied

Report exposes Indonesian military assaults on West Papua’s Indigenous villages

Human Rights Monitor, a human rights organisation focusing on West Papua, Indonesia, has just released a report titled “Destroy Them First, Discuss Human Rights Later: An investigation of Indonesian Security Forces’ operations in Kiwirok under International Law”