anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community


Reflections Man wearing purple shirt lecturing in front of a whiteboard Reflections

Two cheers for techno-optimism, but beware the dangers of techno-enthusiasm

“As well as naïve, the techno-enthusiasm I have described is inadequate because it rests on an incomplete view about the nature of humanity and our place in creation. The implicit ‘naturalist’ worldview of the techno-enthusiast is one that leaves out a transcendental framework, which undergirds our concepts of the common good and human responsibility,” says Provincial Clergy Conference speaker, The Rev’d Dr Chris Mulherin

Books & Guides Lauren Martin Books & Guides

I want to fix ears

“Key themes of Clark’s story are his determination, persistence, underlying faith and love of family. His desire as a young boy to ‘fix ears’ was driven by observing his father and the challenges he faced, particularly working as a pharmacist,” says The Rev’d Lauren Martin