In the midst of the devastating war sweeping Lebanon, killing and displacing its people, the Women’s Pastoral Office of the Maronite Church in Bkerki, Lebanon has launched a cry and issued a statement entitled “Stop the Madness of War, Lebanon deserves to live!” Abboud Mzawak, coordinator of the office, took time to reflect on the motivation behind the statement, some of the daily realities women are facing, and how women across the world can help
“I sought God’s blessing and dealt with the ‘What if?’ scenarios through prayer. I knew that I needed to accept that death was very possible in Gaza. I wrote my will, cleaned my rented unit and gave a friend my car keys before I left — just in case. Because I wasn’t scared of death, I think I was more effective and focussed on my work in Gaza,” says British-Australian emergency medicine physician Mohammed Mustafa
World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary The Rev’d Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay has condemned the escalating violence in the Middle East, including Israel’s recent airstrikes on Iran and its ongoing military operations in Gaza and Lebanon