anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Kaurareg people

Reflections Woman and girl in a hospital with teddy bears featuring Aboriginal designs Reflections

“I can’t hug all the kids in the hospital. So, I figured a First Nations teddy bear could”

“As a proud Waanyi Garawar and Kaurareg girl, I decided to blend compassion with my First Nations heritage by designing teddy bears for child patients at the Hervey Bay Hospital. A hug can make the biggest difference, but I can’t hug all the kids in the hospital. So, I figured a First Nations teddy bear could,” says Ebony from Fraser Coast Anglican College

News News

Archbishop’s ABM November Appeal

The Rev’d Jazz Dow tells us about the annual Archbishop’s ABM November Appeal, including the innovative projects the appeal will support in the Diocese of North Queensland, with a focus on high-priority Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mission activities