“Taking fasting seriously as a spiritual discipline, especially during this season of Lent, has the potential to change us forever, but only if we use it to intensify our relationship with the Lord,” says The Rev’d Charlie Lacey
“On this holy Saturday, we sit with the reality that Jesus came amongst us as a fellow human being, and like all flesh he died. On this day, we are invited to sit with the pain of death and not to rush on and minimise or discount the hurt it causes,” says The Rev’d Dr Ruth Mathieson
Bishop John Roundhill has embarked on his fourth biblical-worthy Holy Week pilgrimage, and is this year walking with diverse inter-faith leaders who have been impacted by conflict, covering over 170km across South East Queensland
“I remember my first Palm Sunday. It was in 1987. I was fleeing to Ethiopia from South Sudan, along with thousands of other young boys and girls, to avoid being conscripted as a child soldier. Even though I was only 11 years old at the time, I knew it was Palm Sunday. Because we were fleeing on foot through the bush, the only way we could keep track of time was by the moon. We gathered under a shady tree in prayer to commemorate the special day,” says Bishop Daniel Abot