anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Primate of Australia

Homilies & Addresses The Most Rev'd Geoffrey Smith Homilies & Addresses

A letter from the Primate to Archbishop Phillip Aspinall

“Not only have you held positions of responsibility, but you have exercised those positions with great dedication even when that dedication has been at your personal cost. You have led the church through times of significant challenge and your attention has constantly been on the mission of the church,” says a letter from the Primate to Archbishop Phillip Aspinall AC, which was read by Bishop Cam Venables on the occasion of the Archbishop’s farewell

Dr David Wetherell (Right), recently retired Honorary Fellow in History at Deakin University, launched Bishop Jonathan Holland's book on Philip Strong at St Francis College

The importance of Philip Strong’s story

Bishop Jonathan Holland seized the chance to tell the complete story of Philip Strong, former Bishop of New Guinea and Archbishop of Brisbane – explaining why Strong’s story is so significant and captivating and why he devoted himself to the task for several years