anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Sexual assault

Justice & Advocacy Two women sitting inside on couches Justice & Advocacy

Addressing Church stereotypes, silence, blaming and lack of recognition

“Jan’s grief around her marriage ‘being broken’ and her beliefs that she had ‘betrayed’ her marriage vows and ‘broken her promises’ to God were profoundly influential in her initial inability to accept the priest’s help offered to her. These beliefs were grounded in what some parts of the Church espoused regarding the role of the Church, the Bible, the ‘sanctity of marriage’ and family,” says The Ven. Dr Lucy Morris, Chair of the ACSQ’s Domestic and Family Violence Working Group


Whose side are we on?

“One of my close friends recently opened up about the extent of the violence she experienced in her marriage. Raised in a Christian home, she married a Christian man whom she said, ‘looked perfect on paper’. They are both intelligent people at the top of their professional fields, and had a lovely home with beautiful children at the best private schools. I knew that there were problems, but it was not until a year after they separated that I discovered the extent of what she had endured,” says The Rev’d Ann Edwards