anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

St Bart’s Toowoomba

Events Events

Public Lecture: Why are we so anxious in an age of self-reliance?

Training Centre
St Bart’s, Toowoomba
103 Stenner St,
Rangeville, Toowoomba

Join Stephen McAlpine to explore one of the most pressing questions of our age. Stephen is a published author in the fields of theology and culture, and has pastored at several churches in his home state of Western Australia. Tickets $5 per person. Registration required. See More.

Video Cartoon of woman laughing in Biblical times Video

St Bart's Kids eBook — Genesis 18.1-15

Check out the latest scripture eBooks from Resource Church St Bart’s, Toowoomba, which adapt Old and New Testament scriptures for young children, including this one titled, “Sarah laughs at God’s promises”, from the Book of Genesis


St Bart's Kids eBook — Matthew 21.1-11

Check out the latest scripture eBooks from Resource Church St Bart’s, Toowoomba, which adapt Old and New Testament scriptures for young children, including this one titled, “An excited crowd”, from the Gospel of Matthew


St Bart's Kids eBook — Matthew 19.16-26

Check out the latest scripture eBooks from Resource Church St Bart’s, Toowoomba, which adapt Old and New Testament scriptures for young children, including this one titled, “The cost of following Jesus”, from the Gospel of Matthew


The God who saves

Check out this wonderfully produced video from Resource Church St Bart’s, Toowoomba, titled “God who saves” and based on the Gospel of Luke