anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

The Parish of Warwick

News St Mark's, Warwick volunteers and the flower tower News

Bell tower yarn bombed with flowers

“An 18-metre high ‘flower tower’ has been hung from the St Mark’s, Warwick bell tower by the rural fire brigade, backed by nearly 100 supporters from Northampton Shire in England to Queensland’s Innisfail,” says Warwick community member Janelle Mangan

St Mark’s, Warwick churchwarden Lewis von Stieglitz won the 2020 ‘Chance to win an iPad for you and your priest or chaplain’ competition. He is pictured with his rector The Rev'd Lizzie Gaitskell, whom he nominated to be the recipient of the second iPad prize

Churchwarden wins anglican focus competition

A Parish of Warwick churchwarden has won the recently drawn anglican focus ‘Chance to win an iPad for you and your priest or chaplain’ competition, nominating his rector as the recipient of the second prize