anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community


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Weddings, parties, Advent, anything

“I’m sure my friends on the Thai-Myanmar border didn’t think much of it when they welcomed me into their workplace, their parties and their homes. But all those cups of instant coffee over conversation made a deep impression on me – a kind of justice communion for my soul each week,” says the Justice Unit’s Peter Branjerdporn

Features Features

Baroona Farm partners with Multicultural Australia

“Earlier this month, Sri Lankan-born refugee and Multicultural Australia client Sisira Fernando joined in the working bee at Baroona Farm and immediately felt connected with the place…He was delighted, in particular, to see okra, winged beans and gotu cola (a herb) growing. However, most of all Sisira felt welcomed at the working bee,” says The Rev’d Samuel Dow