anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

President, Anglican Mothers Union Australia, Diocese of Brisbane

Beverley Perry

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Features Features

Mothers Union: so much more than cups of tea

“Mothers Union advocates and campaigns at local, national and international levels to see these changes become a reality. Members are passionate about issues of social justice, communicating with governments and decision makers, and collaborating with other charities and organisations to help bring a united voice for change,” says Diocesan Mothers Union President Bev Perry

Bundaberg community members at a Red Bench on the grounds of Christ Church, Bundaberg on 25 November during the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based-Violence campaign. Standing (L-R): Tanya McLoughlin (President ZONTA Club, Bundaberg): Tania Felstead (Red Rose Foundation Representative); Bev Perry (AMUA President, Bundaberg. Seated: AMUA members Christine O’Brien and Pam Cooper

Bundaberg Anglicans say ‘no’

“For the second time, Anglican Mothers Union Bundaberg held three events to support the ‘16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence’ campaign. This year, we partnered with Bundaberg Regional Council, who show their commitment to raising awareness of domestic and family violence through the Red Bench Project,” says Bev Perry, Branch President of AMUA, Bundaberg