anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Priest-in-Charge, Parish of Chermside

The Rev'd Daniel Jayaraj

About The Rev'd Daniel -

The Rev’d Daniel Jayaraj is Priest-in-Charge of the Parish of Chermside. He has a BSc from Madras University, a BD from Senate and Serampore University, and a MA from the Sydney College of Divinity.

Articles by The Rev'd Daniel

Fr Daniel Jayaraj, with Beth Rigby (left) and Margaret Coombs (right) in The Parish of Chermside pantry on 30 September 2020: "We have focused on developing a ‘bums off seats’ and ‘all are welcome’ model of church in the last 18 months"

'Bums off seats': creating a community of care

“Our church is thriving because our parishioners are encouraged to coordinate and drive activities and explore their unique gifts in a prayerful, enthusiastic, collaborative and welcoming community of love and care,” say Beth Rigby, Margaret Coombs and Fr Daniel Jayaraj from All Saints’, Chermside


A pilgrim people

“It is one thing to study the Bible when you are 14,000 kilometres away, but it is a completely different – some say life-changing – experience reading it while in the Holy Land,” says The Rev’d Daniel Jayaraj as he reflects on modern-day pilgrimage