anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

The Rev'd Jazz Dow

Mission Chaplain, Community of The Way, St Francis College, Milton

The Rev'd Jazz Dow

About The Rev'd Jazz -

The Rev’d Jazz Dow is Mission Chaplain of Community of The Way at St Francis College, Milton and she worships at St John’s Anglican Cathedral, Brisbane. She has a Bachelor of Theology and a Master of Theology from CSU, with a special interest in the areas of missiology and liturgy.

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Articles by The Rev'd Jazz

News News

Archbishop’s ABM November Appeal

The Rev’d Jazz Dow tells us about the annual Archbishop’s ABM November Appeal, including the innovative projects the appeal will support in the Diocese of North Queensland, with a focus on high-priority Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mission activities


International Youth Day

12 August 2019 is International Youth Day, a day first designated by the UN General Assembly in 1999: in this joint feature, clergy and lay people across our Diocese share their thoughts on the 2019 International Youth Day theme ‘Transforming Education’

Spotlight Q&A

Q&A with The Rev’d Jazz Dow

Meet The Rev’d Jazz Dow, Mission Chaplain at St Francis College, Milton and find out about Community of the Way, an intentional community of young people commencing next year and which Jazz will be helping to build


Pilgrimage to Wontulp-Bi-Buya (WBB) College

As part of our anglican focus series on Reconciliation Action Plan implementation, The Rev’d Jazz Dow reflects on how St Francis College is strengthening relationship with Wontulp-Bi-Buya (WBB) College in Cairns, including the rich benefits of St Francis College students making a pilgrimage to WBB and experiencing what Torres Strait Islanders call ‘Good Pasin’


Community of The Way

Archbishop Phillip Aspinall introduces the Community of The Way, an intentional community of young adults, based on the UK’s Community of St Anselm, commencing in 2019 on the site of St Francis College, Milton – “It’s for young adults who want to commit to following the way of Jesus with prayerful hearts, enquiring minds and compassionate lives…”