Team Leader of Holy Rood’s Mainly Music program, Judy Hallewell, tells us how Mainly Music started and why it is such a great ministry to run for community engagement and church growth
“Other than Neil Armstrong who watched respectfully, no-one else knew that the first meal taken on the Moon was Holy Communion,” says The Rev’d Selina McMahon on the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11’s 20 July 1969 Moon landing
The Rev’d Dr Ray Barraclough explores the Christian traditions of ‘journeying’ and ‘pilgrimage’, with a particular focus on the continuing trauma experienced by both Jews in Israel and Palestinians in ‘the Occupied Territories’
“In the great liturgy of the Triduum, Holy Saturday comes as an awkward silence between the cross and the resurrection and the temptation is to fill it with noise and busyness. Many parishes will hold working bees or clean-up days on Holy Saturday in readiness for Easter Day…but if as Claude Debussy says, ‘Music is the silence between the notes’, we should respond to the invitation of Holy Saturday and stop, in silence and listen,” says Bishop Jeremy Greaves
“The program and learning community enable us to identify, discuss, reframe and approach the emerging opportunities within our Cathedral community and to apply the skills we are learning in practical ways to areas that the Holy Spirit is moving us,” says Angie Mooney from Resource Church, St John’s Cathedral on the Adapting Ministry in Complex Times program and co-learning community
“While some clergy may have shifted seamlessly into the digital church model, other clergy may be questioning their relevance and others may be trying to enhance self-worth by frantic activity. Regardless, there are going to be moments and days when clergy struggle more than at other times, and we need your prayerful support,” says The Ven. Keith Dean-Jones
Churchwarden Janet Dyke tells us how Holy Trinity, Kawana Waters is keeping parishioners and community members connected and engaged through both digital and offline channels
If you are in the midst of moving your church online, there is a lot to think about. Adrian Jackson shared the following great advice on Twitter
A prayer vigil led by Aboriginal Christian leaders will be held on 26 September at 7.30pm for Aboriginal Deaths in Custody and to stand in solidarity with Aboriginal peoples
The Taizé community is well known in the Churches around the world for its encouraging accompaniment of young people on their faith journey. How has COVID-19 challenged the community located in Southern France, and what do the young people thirst for in the time when most of our interactions take place online? World Council of Churches Communications learned more on these topics from Brother Alois, prior of the Taizé community, who visited the WCC in the beginning of December