anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community


Books & Guides Books & Guides

A response to ‘What do Anglicans Believe?’

“The most tangible impact of this resource is that students will see that conversations and collaboration have taken place throughout the history of the Church. This communication and wrestling with ideas of faith is a practice engaged in by members of all faith communities and proves that consensus can be reached despite differences in contexts and cultures,” says FormedFaith’s Fiona Hammond

Archbishop Phillip Aspinall at the Cathedral: WINDOWS book launch, which was held immediately after the anniversary service: (L-R) Alwyne Nunn (major sponsor of the Cathedral: WINDOWS book), Brett Gow (Alex Gow Funerals, major sponsor of the Cathedral: WINDOWS book), Matt Tesch (who coordinated the book with Jacki), His Excellency the Honourable Paul de Jersey AC Governor of Queensland, Jacki Scott (who coordinated the book with Matt Tesch), Archbishop Phillip Aspinall, The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt, Greg Nunn (major sponsor of the Cathedral: WINDOWS book) and Dan O’Connor (major sponsor Cathedral: WINDOWS book, on behalf of Churchie)
Homilies & Addresses

Archbishop's sermon: 10th Anniversary of Cathedral Consecration and Feast Day of St Simon and St Jude

“Being prepared to listen and to learn from others who are different, presupposes that no one person or group can possess the whole truth of the infinity of God,” says Archbishop Phillip Aspinall