anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Easter Sunday

Bishop Jeremy Greaves masked-up to greet Easter Day worshippers at The Parish of Freshwater on Sunday 4 April 2021

Hallelujah anyway!

“The Rev’d Anna Woofenden, a pastor ministering on the outskirts of Los Angeles, tells the story of a community of people – wealthy and poor, old and young, housed and unhoused – that found itself, quite unexpectedly, forming around gardening, eating and worshipping together. One of the focal points of Garden Church, which she founded, became the compost heap,” says Bishop Jeremy Greaves


Engaging young children in Easter services: resource and tips

“In this Easter liturgy, the children take part in the key final events of Jesus’ life, from Palm Sunday to the Resurrection. They wave palms, taste the bread and wine (grape juice), run away from the soldiers, nail dowels into a cross, are buried (under sheets) and noisily celebrate the resurrection,” says The Rev’d Canon Dr Marian Free, while providing a helpful story and liturgical resource for parishes to download and tips for creating an Easter liturgy