anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Gay Conversion Therapy

Reflections Jayne Ozanne Reflections

“It was a circle I could never square”

“In 2017 I led a debate within the Church of England’s General Synod about the harms of ‘conversion therapy’, which ended with the Synod agreeing to call on the government to ban it. Later that year I led some major research into the harms of ‘conversion therapy’, the results of which I then shared across the world — even with Pope Francis,” says Jayne Ozanne

Reflections Robert King Reflections

Reconciliation to sexuality

“Reconciliation is something most of us experience in some part of our lives. Reconciliation is the process of making two seeming opposite beliefs, ideas, or situations agree or, at least, co-exist in harmony. It is about allowing these opposing beliefs, ideas or situations to continue together,” says Robert King from St John’s Cathedral