What happens to plastic in the ocean?
“With Plastic Free July currently underway, I was encouraged this month to investigate microplastics in our environment and responsible responses,” says The Rev’d Peter Moore from Angligreen
“With Plastic Free July currently underway, I was encouraged this month to investigate microplastics in our environment and responsible responses,” says The Rev’d Peter Moore from Angligreen
Students with a passion for a greener, cleaner planet gathered for the inaugural Sunshine Coast Schools Environment Summit, which was recently hosted by Matthew Flinders Anglican College. The student-led summit was a great success, bringing together more than 40 like-minded, eco-conscious students from schools across the region
“On my afternoon walks with my wife, Alison, we each carry a shoulder bag because along the track we find considerable litter – many chocolate wrappers, plastic bags, take-away cups and other items. We collect soft plastics in one bag and the hard plastic containers, cups and cans in the other, so they are not washed into the creek,” says The Rev’d Peter Moore as World Environment Day approaches
It all started with a simple video clip, that became a major obsession. Now three St Andrew’s students plan to revolutionise the use of shark nets after winning the national final of the young entrepreneurship program, Future Anything
Students at St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School in Ascot are exploring the daunting environmental issue of plastic pollution in our world’s oceans in a study that combines technology and mathematics processes
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