“With Plastic Free July currently underway, I was encouraged this month to investigate microplastics in our environment and responsible responses,” says The Rev’d Peter Moore from Angligreen
“We already have the technology and knowledge to apply the brakes. And we as a community of believers and stewards of creation all have an important part to play to effectively #MoveTheDate back each year so the Earth has time to replenish the resources we use,” says The Rev’d Peter Moore, Chair of Angligreen
“I love waking early, lying in bed and hearing the birds in the garden and, when I can get away camping, hearing the morning chorus. It makes a great start to the day. On my daily walk in the late afternoon I often hear the birds, insects and frogs marking the end of the day. These experiences help connect me to nature. Whether I am in suburbia or in the bush – it is the same voice of creation that I hear,” says The Rev’d Peter Moore, Chair of Angligreen
“Tony Rinaudo’s literally groundbreaking method of reforesting millions of hectares of land without planting a single tree was later named Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration,” says Chair of Angligreen, The Rev’d Peter Moore
“On my afternoon walks with my wife, Alison, we each carry a shoulder bag because along the track we find considerable litter – many chocolate wrappers, plastic bags, take-away cups and other items. We collect soft plastics in one bag and the hard plastic containers, cups and cans in the other, so they are not washed into the creek,” says The Rev’d Peter Moore as World Environment Day approaches
“I, like most shoppers, have often experienced supply shortages on supermarket shelves during the last two years. Sometimes this shortage was caused by people taking much more than they needed…Our planet is also experiencing supply problems. Humans are taking more from the planet than it can reproduce,” says The Rev’d Peter Moore, Chair of Angligreen
“How do we #MoveTheDate back without being forced to by a pandemic? There are effective and affordable solutions. We can accelerate their implementation by sharing knowledge of what works and bringing people together,” reflects The Rev’d Peter Moore, Chair of Angligreen
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