At St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School, Prayer Spaces are held each term for both the primary and secondary students to explore life’s big questions, spirituality and faith in a safe, creative and interactive way. The most recent of the school’s Prayer Spaces was themed around the Lenten and Easter seasons
The Rev’d Susan Crothers-Robertson from St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School provides tips and resources for running beautiful Advent and Christmas Prayer Spaces for use in schools, parishes, ministries and homes
St Margaret’s holds four week-long Prayer Spaces each year: two designed for primary students and two for secondary students. The most recent, held last month, was themed around the Beatitudes, found in Matthew 5.1-12
Ten inspiring Year 6 Leaders from The Springfield Anglican College share about their wonderful Prayer Tree project and how prayer is helping them to focus on ‘Being Together: Practising Peacemaking’ in the lead up to Christmas