anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Religious Education

Features Features

Nurturing student-centred engagement with scripture

“Many experienced educators desire an opportunity or device that encourages both authentic academic engagement and student-centred and directed interaction with complex scriptural writings, as either a catalyst or means of nurturing their journey of discovery. To this end, we have combined three known processes into a single lesson,” says Churchie Religious Education Faculty Head, Max Condon

St John's, Hervey Bay parishioner Bev McClelland with Fraser Coast Anglican College students Ben, Max, Joel and Cody during the school's 'Sacred Spaces' excursion on 1 March 2021

Sacred spaces: church and school explore together

“School students should be able to learn about different faiths and their sacred spaces so in the future they can interact with other people from different faiths respectfully,” says Fraser Coast Anglican College student Callum, in this special joint reflection written by three FCAC students and the school’s dedicated RE Coordinator


Why justice is like a cup of tea

“When we talk about God as judge, we are imagining God as the one who sees the brokenness and helps to restore it to wholeness, rather than the one who punishes those who have done the wrong thing,” says The Rev’d Andrew Schmidt, Priest-in-Charge of Good Shepherd Anglican church, Bundaberg West