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South Sudan Council of Churches

International The Rev'd Rebecca King, lighting a candle at The Parish of Yeronga in August 2023 International

"Please pray — they will feel that prayer”

Members of our Diocesan community recently joined in a global ecumenical prayer vigil, hosted online by the World Council of Churches, which gathered clergy and lay people in solidarity, hope and lament for the people of Sudan who continue to suffer amidst the violent conflict — resources are available for online or in-person vigils

Nighttime prayer vigil for peace in Nakubuse, a small village near Kuron in South Sudan's Eastern Equatoria State, the region which has been plagued by cattle raiding and child abduction in recent years. The Catholic Church-sponsored Holy Trinity Peace Village, centered in Kuron, has worked for years to foster reconciliation and peace between the region's communities. (Photo: Paul Jeffrey/Life on Earth Pictures)

South Sudan church official highlights country’s humanitarian crisis, as global attention turns to Ukraine

A church leader in South Sudan is urging the international community to keep its focus on the growing humanitarian crisis in the worlds youngest nation, as the globe beams its attention on the conflict in Ukraine