anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

St Clare of Assisi

Reflections Red bird brooding on rusted pipe Reflections

Australia's Overshoot Day in 2025 is 19 March

“One of the gifts that we can offer as the human family struggles to get itself out of the bind that has been created over centuries of living in a particular way, is to help the people of the west to recapture a sense of their place within the earth system. St Francis and St Clare of Assisi, for example, invite us to see the other creatures of the earth as kin, sisters and brothers, as part of a common family. They invite us to explore a form of relational spirituality that might just change our hearts, and then our minds,” says The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt

People & History St Francis statue People & History

Who was St Francis of Assisi?

“Although poverty was Francis’ cornerstone, he was also passionate about recognising the  sanctity of all God’s creatures. He was often seen in conversation with animals of all kinds, and in his famous ‘Canticle of the Creatures’ his habit of calling elements of nature ‘brother and sister’ is clearly documented,” says The Rev’d Dr Gemma Dashwood OAM TSSF

One of the ancient spiritual practices Year 11 CHAC students have enjoyed learning about is the use of prayer beads, including the history of how different faith traditions have used beads for meditation over the centuries

Anglican prayer beads: history and resources

CHAC’s Maria Thompson and Year 11 students Alice and Charlize tell us about the history of prayer beads and how they have embraced making unique Anglican prayer beads as they explore spirituality