“Monday’s event at Cherbourg had originally been organised as part of the Truth-telling and Healing Inquiry commissioned by the previous Queensland Government and cancelled by the current one. Given that the Inquiry had lined up 20 elders to tell their stories, the Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council decided to host the event so that those who had gone through the emotional process of preparing for the hearing could be honoured,” says The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt
“We have built personal and public spaces with a view to making adjustments for a disabled person later, rather than making them appropriately accessible and welcoming in the first place,” says The Rev’d Canon Jess Grant
“Priests put a lot of thought, energy and time into crafting their sermons…So artificial intelligence (AI) platforms are being increasingly used by clergy to get more out of sermons so, for example, they can reach a wider audience and engage parishioners during the week,” says St John’s Cathedral Resource Church reference group coordinator Angie Mooney
“Finding ways to do meaning-making is an incredibly important and life-enhancing activity in our society which has a tendency to see things through a utilitarian lens. That is, we look at things in terms of their usefulness to we humans, rather than seeking to appreciate their deeper intrinsic value…,” says The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt