The Parish of Toowong
The Parish of Toowong is seeking a new parish priest who will lead the parish and wider community with love, energy and understanding. This is a part-time role. See more.
The Parish of Toowong is seeking a new parish priest who will lead the parish and wider community with love, energy and understanding. This is a part-time role. See more.
“Regarding my various lay parish activities – it is vital to me that I feel as though I am contributing. I recall once hearing a cricket commentator say that 90 per cent of people can find the problems, but only about 10 per cent can come up with solutions and act on them. So I strive to be a part of the 10 per cent. Helping to provide alternatives for those seeking a spiritual home is highly rewarding and very enjoyable,” says Adrian Gibb from St Thomas’, Toowong
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