“Winslet’s Oscar-deserving performance anchors the film, making Lee a poignant exploration of a heroic woman whose contributions to both art and history deserve greater recognition,” says Jonathan Sargeant from St Francis College
“Winslet’s Oscar-deserving performance anchors the film, making Lee a poignant exploration of a heroic woman whose contributions to both art and history deserve greater recognition,” says Jonathan Sargeant from St Francis College
“Each year on Defence Sunday, we remember the work of our defence chaplains who, like my Uncle Bill stand on the frontlines of emotional and spiritual care…This year Defence Sunday falls on the 10th of November and I encourage you to think about how you might thank members of the Defence Force chaplaincy for their work,” says Archbishop Jeremy Greaves
As we commemorate Anzac Day this year, a Brisbane aged-care resident shares his story about how he met the love of his life, whom he was married to for nearly six decades, during his service
“Erecting memorials after World War I was one way of helping people come to terms with their grief, as well as expressing gratitude for the sacrifice and courage of the Diggers who served. The size of the monument at the Ma Ma Creek church reflects the sheer scale of loss experienced by one local Anglican family, the Andrews family,” says Denzil Scrivens from St John’s Cathedral
A “never give up attitude” and a healthy lifestyle may just be the keys to longevity as a Wide Bay aged care resident celebrates her centenarian birthday with her family and friends
Did you know that October is Queensland Seniors Month? Meet Doris, one of the lovely Meilene Residential Aged Care residents in beautiful Bundaberg. She has a gentle character and can teach us a thing or two about swinging a golf club
September 2 commemorates the Martyrs of New Guinea in the Anglican Church. Whom does this day honour and why? Ian Eckersley dives deep into the history and the incredible story behind this day, which is observed in the Anglican calendar worldwide, and has special relevance for parishioners in our Diocesan community.
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