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The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Jarjums Connect: Aboriginal art practices


Hear Anglicare Cultural Support Worker and Kuku Yalanji Traditional Owner Lalania Tusa share about Aboriginal art practices, including regarding history, symbols, totems, tools and materials, technique and the importance of story

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Anglicare’s Jarjums Connect Group is a monthly event designed to nurture individual self-expression and offer cultural support in a safe environment for children in our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. The group learns about key topics such as song and dance, language and storytelling, costumes and making food. The group is taken by Lalania Tusa, our Cultural Support Worker.

Join Kuku Yalanji Artist Lalania Tusa at On Earth Festival on Saturday 16 October at St Francis College in Milton to learn more about First Nations art techniques, stories and cultures. You will be guided to create your very own inspirational piece and have the opportunity to ask any questions you have about the Traditional ways of First Nations art practices. Book online now.

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