anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community



ABM AID Lent Appeal 2025 Online Launch

Via Zoom.

Join Anglicare Australia Executive Director Kasy Chambers to launch the ABM AID Lent Appeal 2025. Hear from AID partners in Zambia and Papua New Guinea about the work they do to help women break free from violence, injustice and oppression, and build peace, gain confidence and become economically empowered. RSVP by 11.15pm Tuesday 4 March. Free event. See more.


Equipping the Saints Ministry Conference

St Bart’s Anglican Church Toowoomba
103 Stenner Street

Rangeville, Toowoomba

Every follower of Jesus has a role to play in the building up of God’s Church. This one-day conference is ideal for leaders of parishes, those involved in specialist roles, or anyone who serves in the life of their local church. Everyone is welcome. Featuring special speaker, Mike Bird from Ridley College. Cost: $40 Adult, $30 Concession, and $10 Youth (High school aged). RSVP by 11.59PM Wednesday 5 March. See more.


International Women's Day Event

St Matthew’s Anglican Church
142 Billinghurst Crescent,
Upper Coomera


Come and celebrate the journey of various women from different cultures and backgrounds, their challenges, and achievements together. Afternoon tea provided. Entry by donation. All proceeds go towards supporting victim-survivors of domestic and family violence. See more.


Ecumenical Youth Gathering with Br Merric from Taizé

West End Uniting Church
11 Sussex St,
West End

Gather together alongside Br Merric from the Taizé Community in France. Learn about the Community, join in with worship, contemplate and ask questions about the Taizé way of life. Meet and network with fellow young Christians, and enjoy good conversation, food and being together. Co-hosted by AYCF, ACSQ and West End Uniting Church. RSVP by 5pm Sunday 9 March. Entry by donation. See more.


Hope25 Lenten Studies

Blue Room
St Andrew’s, South Brisbane
160 Vulture St,
South Brisbane

Hope25 Lenten Studies is designed to inspire contemplation of the hope we have in Jesus as we journey through the Lenten season towards the joyous celebration of his resurrection on Easter Day. Sessions will run from 10.30am-12.30pm each Saturday for 6 weeks. Hope25 Study Book available for purchase through church office for $10. See more.


Ultreya — Cursillo gathering

Church and hall
Good Shepherd Anglican Church
George St and Takalvan St,
Bundaberg West

Come along for a time of singing, prayer, praise and fellowship, including witness speaker and group discussions. BYO Lunch at 12pm in the hall. Ultreya begins at 1pm in the church. Stay on afterwards for afternoon tea and fellowship. Free event. Donations welcome. See more.


Women's Dinner: Exploring Domestic and Family Violence

St Catherine’s Anglican Church
43 Macfarlane Street,
Middle Park

Enjoy a light three-course meal, fellowship, and educational story-sharing with speakers Janeve Bolhuis and Felicity Bailey. Janeve has 10 years of experience in Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) training, while Felicity is a survivor and thriver of long-term DFV. RSVP by 5pm Tuesday 25 March. Cost: $25/person, $10 Concession. Proceeds support the Joint Churches Domestic Violence Prevention Project (JCDVPP). See more.