“Jesus watched the crowd putting money into the treasury… a poor widow came and put two small copper coins…The fascinating thing about this little story is perhaps not the actions of the scribes or the rich or the poor widow, but what Jesus does,” says Archbishop Jeremy
“Because we all know what it’s like to be Lazarus. We have all been dead and lifeless. We have all been wrapped up like corpses, bound by everything the world lays on us. Until — that is, until Jesus calls us out of the tomb,” says Archbishop Jeremy
“This book inspires me because it reminds me that being baptised and ordained does not fulfil or justify my status as a Christ follower. I am called to take up my cross and proclaim Christ’s grace, and this costly grace must be lived in my daily discipleship,” says The Rev’d Sam Sigamani from The Parish of Wynnum
“‘What do you want me to do for you?’ is a good question. It begins by assuming that I have something to learn from you, rather than assuming I know what’s best for you. It assumes that you know more about you than I ever will,” says Archbishop Jeremy