anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community


"Hurry-sickness is something I have battled throughout my life, getting caught up in the unspoken demand of 'faster, faster'. Remembering to slow down and as Richard Rohr says 'fall in love with [my] life' (p.82) places my relationship with God first," (Susan Pietsch from Holy Hermits Online in 2024)
Faith book reflections

The book I have given away most and why: Susan Pietsch

“The author encourages me to stop yanking and shoving on the door to spiritual growth, and instead wait patiently for it to open,” says Susan Pietsch from Holy Hermits Online

Pray Daily

Pray Daily: May 2024

Find out our Diocese’s May daily prayer points and join our community in intercession this month