Bishop Jonathan Holland, former principal of St Francis Theological College, talks about the centrality of the Eucharist for Anglican Christians
“If you want to understand the Church of today, you really need to study the Early Church of the first five centuries…in a sense the men and women of those first five centuries are our spiritual grandparents and when we study the Early Church we are studying something about our own spiritual DNA,” says Bishop Jonathan Holland
Hear Bishop Jonathan Holland share about the genius of Archbishop Thomas Cranmer: “He said ‘We’ll put together a prayer book’…The first Prayer Book came out in 1549. It was a little bit conservative, but it began to pick up all the kinds of ideas and principles that were in Thomas Cranmer’s head”
“We are extremely excited to be offering the subject ‘Aboriginal Cultures and Spirituality’ for the first time, here at St Francis College. We have a range of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander presenters who will help us to understand the history and cultures of our First Nations Peoples, as well as the challenges and hopes for Reconciliation in the years ahead,” says Bishop Jonathan Holland
Hear Bishop Jonathan Holland explain the different parts of our liturgical year and how these form a rhythm for our Church, including the forthcoming celebration of Pentecost: “Pentecost is the giving of the Holy Spirit…in the upper room in Jerusalem 50 days after the Resurrection”
Meet Bishop Jonathan Holland and find out about the projects he is currently working on, how and when he felt called to the priesthood, his favourite scripture, and what he enjoys doing in his free time
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