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The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

The Rev'd Robert Paget

Air Force Chaplain

The Rev'd Robert Paget

About The Rev'd Robert -

The Rev’d Robert Paget has served as an Air Force Chaplain since 1994 on Air Force Bases across Australia, and has been deployed to the Middle East, as well as on relief missions in tsunami and earthquake zones in Asia. He studied at St Francis College in the mid 70s and currently holds a Bachelor of Theology from CSU and was ordained to the priesthood in 1981.

The Rev'd Robert writes on -

Articles by The Rev'd Robert

Homilies & Addresses The Rev'd Robert Paget blessing a dog during the Season of Creation Homilies & Addresses

Season of Creation sermon: “Today we give thanks for our animals”

“Francis challenged the idea that the world and all living things were just commodities to be exploited. He saw them as inheritors, along with us of the kingdom of heaven. It’s not always easy to see the same kinship with nature that Francis saw, especially when you’re being pursued along the footpath by an aggressive magpie,” says The Rev’d Robert Paget from St Paul’s, Samford

The Rev'd Robert Paget crossing the Queensland border on his Long Ride return from Darwin on 22 May 2019

Blue-haired priests ride to Darwin

The Rev’d Robert Paget recently rode a motorbike across the Nullabor with his wife The Rev’d Helen, raising awareness of men’s health issues, helping raise funds for the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia and “proclaiming the Good News that God is intimately involved in the lives of all God’s people no matter who they are or where they are on life’s journey”