“Francis challenged the idea that the world and all living things were just commodities to be exploited. He saw them as inheritors, along with us of the kingdom of heaven. It’s not always easy to see the same kinship with nature that Francis saw, especially when you’re being pursued along the footpath by an aggressive magpie,” says The Rev’d Robert Paget from St Paul’s, Samford
This year on Remembrance Day and Defence Sunday, we remember our Defence Force Chaplains and the important pastoral care work they do with our military personnel and veterans
The Rev’d Robert Paget recently rode a motorbike across the Nullabor with his wife The Rev’d Helen, raising awareness of men’s health issues, helping raise funds for the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia and “proclaiming the Good News that God is intimately involved in the lives of all God’s people no matter who they are or where they are on life’s journey”
Clergy Summer School participants from across the Diocese share their highlights and key learnings of the recent Summer School, which is held annually at The Southport School
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