anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community


Events Events

Is there more to life than this? Try Alpha

St George’s Anglican Church, Birkdale
Cnr Thorne Road and Victor Street,

The Anglican Parish of Waterloo Bay welcomes you to a free weekly Alpha course on Wednesday evenings. Over 29 million guests have joined in an Alpha course across 169 countries. So, if you have heard of Alpha and you would like to give it a try, maybe this is the right time for you. RSVP by Monday 27 May. Free event. See more.

Amy Parker (second from right) and Chris Parker (third from right) were confirmed at The Parish of Noosa's Peregian church by Bishop Jeremy Greaves on Sunday 5 March 2023. They are pictured with Syd Hughes (third from left) and Robert Ginnaw (fourth from left), who reaffirmed their faith, and The Rev'd Lynda Johnson, The Rev'd Chris Johnson and The Rev'd Brad Henley
Homilies & Addresses

Confirmation testimonies | Amy Parker and Chris Parker

At their recent Parish of Noosa confirmations, daughter Amy and father Chris Parker declared God’s grace and transformative work in their lives, while shining a light on the unwavering faithfulness of their mother and wife, Michelle


Tough Questions

“Christians do not claim to have all the answers; however, the Christian worldview properly understood provides a framework that makes sense of the world we live in. Indeed, I would argue that it makes sense of the whole of human history,” says The Rev’d Charlie Lacey from Resource Church St Andrew’s, Springfield


Why run Alpha online?

“In many ways it was even better than meeting in person. To start with, it was much easier. One or two people can easily run an online course…People in your church can literally invite others from anywhere in the world so it massively widens the net of whom you can reach with your course,” says The Rev’d Charlie Lacey from Resource Church St Andrew’s, Springfield


Making and maturing disciples of Jesus

“Personal touches and intentional follow up are really important at St Bart’s. We are a community and go through the valleys and peaks of life together. Instead of making assumptions that people are too busy to come to church, small groups or other ministry activities, we follow up to make sure that people are okay and if someone is sick or a loved one has passed away, we help care for them,” says the team from Resource Church St Bart’s, Toowoomba, while offering helpful ideas and resources for other churches to adapt and use