“One of our children gave me a personalised ‘Countdown to Retirement’ fridge magnet with dates to mark off. Initially I couldn’t be bothered marking off each day, instead opting to cross out a month at a time,” says The Ven. Valerie Hoare
Meet 100-year-old Margaret Thurgood and find out about her unique faith journey, her thoughts on Advent, her work in the stock sector, the thing that makes her nostalgic and what unexpected question she is always asking herself
“A highlight of my pilgrimage was reaching a place known as Cruz de Ferro, or ‘Iron Cross’…At its base, a rocky mound (now a fair climb up) has been forming over the years. The tradition is to lay a stone, brought from the place of the pilgrim’s origin, at the top of the mound, so I placed a Kiwi stone given to me by my brother just before he died in 2001,” says The Rev’d Pauline Harley on her intertwined Cursillo and Camino journey.
“When I was asked to attend a Cursillo weekend retreat in 2001, I rejected the offer three times and then under sufferance decided to go. That weekend was the turning point in my Christian life. Suddenly, there was a joy in every part of life that had previously eluded me,” says Cursillo Diocesan Lay Director, Alan Gray