anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Diocesan Director of Ordinands and Vocations

Reflections The Rev’d Canon Sarah Plowman with students on a bus to a valedictory Cathedral service in 2017 Reflections

My stubborn chaplaincy call

“Whether it is in Anglican schools, colleges, universities, aged care facilities, hospitals or other workplaces, chaplains nurture, guide and comfort people from all faiths and none. They are truly the face of Christ in the world,” says The Rev’d Canon Sarah Plowman

Features Features

New ‘On Call’ podcast shares vocation stories

“I really hope that a simple podcast like this will allow people searching for their vocation to tap into the experiences of others. Storytelling can inspire and instruct, and give people a real insight into how they might serve God in their own life,” says The Rev’d Canon Sarah Plowman, as Vocations Month continues

“The landscape reminds me of the vast epochs over which rocks have been shaped. I am so tiny and yet, by choosing my purpose carefully, I am so powerful,” The Rev'd Canon Sarah Plowman reflects on rock formations in the Freycinet Peninsula in May 2021

ACSQ vocations walk – a pilgrimage of purpose

“I think that taking time out in the outdoors is a fantastic way to connect with God and God’s purpose for our lives. So, as part of my role as Director of Ordinands and Vocations, I am leading a one-day pilgrimage walk from the Mt Coot-tha summit to St John’s Cathedral so we can reflect on vocation and call,” says The Rev’d Canon Sarah Plowman


The conversations that encouraged my call to ordained ministry

“I would not be where I am today without those critical vocation conversations – with the caring Society of the Sacred Advent sisters, the insightful parish priest and the wise friends. God uses ordinary people like you and me to initiate conversations of encouragement,” says The Rev’d Canon Sarah Plowman on her call to the priesthood, as Vocations Month continues


Welcome to Anglican Vocations SQ

“Following a vocation to the ordained life is an adventure waiting to happen and exploring your own sense of call is the first step. Talk to your parish priest, your family, your trusted friends – you can even give me a call,” says The Rev’d Canon Sarah Plowman


Vocation conversations

“Whether you are discerning your own sense of call, or can see the potential for leadership or ministry in someone else, please follow that thought simply by having a chat about vocation,” invites Archbishop Phillip Aspinall during Vocations Month, which runs from 15 July to 15 August annually