anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community


"But in another light, we can be blind to the light of God shining in unauthorised or unexpected sources and voices, especially when that light shines on our own error and misunderstandings of scripture," (Kate Littmann-Kelly preaching at St Andrew's, Indooroopilly on Sunday 8 October 2023)
Homilies & Addresses

The Parable of the Wicked Tenants sermon

“Our God is a God of surprises, always waiting in love for us, always waiting to give more of God’s self to us and hold our hands to grow into the people that we have been created to become. Jesus is the cornerstone and pattern maker of our faith, encouraging us to move forward with love, humility and searching,” says Kate Littmann-Kelly from St Andrew’s, Indooroopilly

People & History

Mary Magdalene: apostle to the apostles

“In celebrating her life and ministry, we give thanks for all who follow Mary Magdalene’s seminal example in contributing to the mission of the Church and in proclaiming the resurrection. In particular, we give thanks for all the women who have answered God’s call to be ministers of the Gospel,” says The Rev’d Dr Cathy Laufer, as Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day approaches on 22 July


Meeting the Gospel women

“The women, at the most pivotal point in the story of Christian origins, are the faithful witnesses of these climactic events. In the way the Gospel authors frame the narrative, Christianity depends upon the testimony of these faithful women. The Church only exists because of their faithful witness and testimony,” says Dr Maurice Ryan


Bunyan’s progress: a dissenter in our midst

“Confession time: when I was asked to write this anglican focus feature about John Bunyan, I had never read The Pilgrim’s Progress. This has, therefore, been an opportunity to treasure, as Bunyan captures his characters so well that we can easily think of people like them in our own lives and sometimes we see them in the mirror,” says The Rev’d Peter Judge-Mears from the Parish of Wishart, as John Bunyan is commemorated in our Lectionary on 31 August