anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Housing affordability

Video Video

Anglicare's Youth Homelessness Accommodation Project

Hear from inspiring young people Kayla, Will and Cherice, along with Anglicare Southern Queensland’s Rhys Maddren, as their share about how Anglicare is helping young people experiencing homelessness find a place to belong so they can flourish

Justice & Advocacy Older homeless woman enjoys conversation with young woman while having a meal Justice & Advocacy

"Simply because they were human, I admire"

“Yet, whilst the young woman’s friend will not be remembered at a funeral, other than through the short funeral-like service we created during our simple ceremony of lighting a candle and saying a prayer, the fact that she was able to share his story with me, and the value she placed on his friendship and love, serves as a reminder that those who the mainstream might label as hopeless are valuable contributors to the lives of those who truly know them,” says The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt

"Having been through four countries in the past month, with longer stays in two, several things have struck me as I return home," The Very Rev'd Dr Peter Catt (pictured with son Josh in Canada in May 2024)

"In politics the tail often wags the dog"

“Canadians are incredibly gracious drivers. Even those who drive the most ridiculously large utes stop on a dime to let people cross the road — even in places where there is no pedestrian crossing. Italian traffic looks to be incredibly chaotic. It in fact operates under two very important rules that are obeyed to the letter: 1. Go as fast as you can. 2. Do not hit anybody,” says The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt

Justice & Advocacy

“I first became homeless at 13”

“I grew up and went to school in regional towns. I’m good with horses and cattle. I’m not arty or musical, but I can do a lot on the land. Nearly anything. But I’ve been living on the streets on and off for a long time,” says Harry

Justice & Advocacy

Sleeping on the job to serve God

“I became involved with Sleepbus in September last year after listening to an interview on the radio with a Sleepbus volunteer. My husband, Chris, and I relocated from Sydney to Buderim in 2022. After arriving I prayed that the Holy Spirit would lead us to a form of ministry where we could serve others. I believe it was God’s spirit and my sense of Christian social justice that led us to become involved with Sleepbus,” says registered nurse Michael Chittick from St Mark’s, Buderim