anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community



The Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ

“The Ascension points both to an event in history, the last resurrection appearance of Jesus to his disciples, and to the purpose of Jesus’ victory on the cross, the taking of our humanity to God. However, I think that we need to face up to some problems,” says The Ven. Keith Dean-Jones OGS


‘Holy Spirit, living water’

“This is a sung prayer to further open our hearts to the passionate necessity of living the Christian life in ways that seek justice, truth and compassion, and demonstrate the Divine delight in laughter and joy, healing and blessing,” says The Rev’d Canon Dr David Cole


‘Come, Spirit God’

“The powerful tune has an energetic pulse and an irrepressible melody which reflects the sweeping quality of the text, invigorating and interpreting it with a sense of reflection and exciting reality,” says The Rev’d Canon Dr David Cole on this new Australian hymn, which is perfect for the forthcoming Pentecost Season