anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community


Justice & Advocacy Two women and a goat Justice & Advocacy

Successful Rwandan goat programme funded by ACSQ Anglicans

“Every Rwandan goat owner shared a similar story about how their life was better now that they had the goats — their farm was producing more, they could pay school fees for their children, and they had dreams for other improvements…I accepted their thanks, but it didn’t belong to me. It belongs to Southern Queensland Anglicans who have given money to Brisbane-based Anglican Aid Abroad and made this grant possible,” says Sarah Gover

Films & TV Films & TV

Beautifully Broken

Beautifully Broken celebrates the power of faith and forgiveness, and the potential for reconciliation and redemption,” says St Mark’s, Logan parishioner Bob Randle