anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

School Chaplains

"I encourage all chaplains to remember the saints in your chapel preparations. There are some great picture books and videos about various saints that really help our students engage with the stories" (The Rev'd Gillian Moses, St Aidan's Anglican Girls' School)

Travelling with the saints

“Various saints have been inspiration for some of our greatest artists, so why not share those masterpieces with our students? And those unbelievable stories are a great invitation to talk about science and belief,” says The Rev’d Gillian Moses from St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School


Churchie celebrates the ordination of women

The 30th anniversary of the ordination of women in the Anglican Church of Australia was celebrated at Churchie recently with a special visit from The Rev’d Jocelyn Pitt to the Preparatory School chapel services


Have we shrunk the mystery of atonement into words?

“Given the difficulties surrounding commonly-held atonement theories, then, perhaps we should quietly shove the whole thing under the carpet and focus on nicer aspects of our faith? I believe we need to lift up that carpet…Perhaps we may discover a few dusty lumps, long pushed out of sight by all but dusty theologians, which, when polished, show gleams of gold,” says The Ven. Dr Anne van Gend