anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community


Books & Guides Greg Jenks Books & Guides

Matthew’s Parable of the Royal Wedding Feast: A sociorhetorical Interpretation

“It is the intertextual dynamic with the findings of the Royal Commission that sets this huge piece of critical biblical scholarship apart. This is not just an arcane treatise for members of the guild of biblical scholars…This is a serious piece of critical biblical interpretation that also deals with the prophetic message of the text for our Church in wider Australian society today,” says The Rev’d Dr Greg Jenks

Spotlight Q&A The Rev’d Canon Dr Greg Jenks Spotlight Q&A

Q&A with St John’s Cathedral Director of the Centre for Coins, Culture and Religious History, Honorary Canon of Grafton Cathedral and Holy Land study tour guide, The Rev’d Canon Dr Greg Jenks

Meet Greg Jenks and find out about his faith journey, his experience living in Palestine, how his faith shapes his character and outlook, his earliest memory and his plans to lead a study tour to Palestine, Israel and Jordan later in the year

"'Save us from the time of trial' acknowledges that we will face 'trials of many kinds' which of course includes temptation. When we pray these words, we are asking God to deliver us from the powers that rage against his kingdom, including our own evil desires," says The Rev'd Charlie Lacey

Tough Questions: Why are there different versions of the Lord’s Prayer?

“Trials and temptations are a feature of our daily lives and, whichever version of the Lord’s Prayer we use, we will effectively be asking for the Lord’s help in dealing with them,” says The Rev’d Charlie Lacey from St Andrew’s, Springfield


Tough Questions: Does social justice and Christianity go hand in hand?

“Those who repent and put their faith in Jesus are reconciled to God and filled with the Holy Spirit. Moreover, their heart of stone is replaced with a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 11.19), and they begin the process of being changed and transformed into Jesus’ likeness. This means that, over time, the Christian will begin to see the world as God sees it, including God’s perspective on justice,” says The Rev’d Charlie Lacey from St Andrew’s, Springfield


Flat-packed furniture and faith

“Members of the earliest Christian communities had to wrestle with their understanding of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, and so do we. Modern Christians encounter challenges that would blow first century minds, and it is careful use of reason that allows us to interpret scripture and tradition in ways that continue to inform, encourage and communicate the Gospel to 21st century people,” says Fiona Hammond from St Francis College


THL120/491 Practical Theology

Find out about the St Francis College subject ‘THL120/491 Practical Theology’ from The Rev’d Dr Wendi Sargeant, which is offered in Semester 2: “In this subject you will look at how ministry can have real integrity and be God’s ministry, underpinned by sources of theology like Scripture, tradition, experience and reason”


Finding myself in an enforced sabbath

“If we all hold our world before God in this time, we will surely come through this period with a deeper faith and a greater intimacy with God and one another…and if you find yourself in an enforced sabbath, as I have, sing (and draw) praise to God,” says The Rev’d Penny Jones