innerVIVID intro vid
Find out more about the innerVIVID series from Jonathan Sargeant and Fiona Hammond and explore what your sense of spirituality is
Find out more about the innerVIVID series from Jonathan Sargeant and Fiona Hammond and explore what your sense of spirituality is
“We spent 2024 visiting Deaneries across our Diocese to ask about current faith formation needs. Universally, people said they want to be more relaxed when talking about their faith…People asked for something to help them connect positively about spiritual things with people in the wider community without a Church background,” says Fiona Hammond from FormEDFaith, as she introduces exciting new resources ahead of the Hope25 season
“All creatures, including humans, are divine speech, and what they speak is the eternal goodness and wisdom of God,” says Dr Peter Kline from St Francis College
“As Friendship’s book reveals to us, monasticism offers a distinct wisdom to ponder – a wisdom that is being written in the lives of so many people who continue to test and live out this vocation from God, in both old and new ways,” says Bishop Godfrey Fryar
“There seems to be an innate spirituality that has its origins in and expresses our essential humanity, which bubbles up when we get in touch with the source of our being. For me this helps to explain why the use of water is to be found in a wide range of religious practices and why buildings like St Paul’s in London, and St John’s here in Brisbane, draw into a prayerful stillness people who claim to have no faith,” says The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt
Three more young adults reflect on their insights and highlights from On Earth Fest, which was held at St Francis College in October, including Jack Venables, Sayesha Dhal and Emily Pell
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