Lambeth Call announcement: environment and sustainable development
One year on from the launch of the Communion Forest, Lambeth Conference discussions will explore the Lambeth Call on the Environment and Sustainable Development
One year on from the launch of the Communion Forest, Lambeth Conference discussions will explore the Lambeth Call on the Environment and Sustainable Development
“Fairtrade makes sense. If you’re struggling to feed your family, then planting trees and farming sustainably won’t be your top priorities. By supporting farmers and their communities by buying Fairtrade, your purchasing choices help to fix the problem of poverty so that everything else, including a more sustainable environment, follows,” says John Martin from Resource Church The Parish of Robina
What if churches collectively applied their purchasing power to support products and companies that consider the wellbeing of communities and our planet? This free World Council of Churches toolkit aims to enthuse congregations through concrete examples of communities in action, as well as offer good practices and practical materials to “walk the talk” on economic and ecological justice
“Our EV car conveniently charges on a slow charge overnight in the garage using a simple charger that is provided with the car. No special plugs are required, as we just plug the charger into the wall socket in the garage and then the charger into the car…and the magic happens,” says The Rev’d Don Parker from St Peter’s, Southport
“This project has taught me to be an agile thinker and to come up with innovative ideas to solve problems. It has also taught me how to engage in real issues of sustainability and future power sources. I have also learnt about mentoring partnerships with representatives from local Sunshine Coast businesses,” says Year 12 Matthew Flinders Anglican College student Josh Poulton
“In growing organic produce and building community alongside the Romero Centre men’s group members, we are embracing the Anglican Marks of Mission,” says The Rev’d Samuel Dow on the urban farm he is building alongside people seeking safety in our community
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