Check out the latest scripture eBooks from Resource Church St Bart’s, Toowoomba, which adapt Old and New Testament scriptures for young children, including this one titled, “The cost of following Jesus”, from the Gospel of Matthew
Four members of our Diocesan community tell us about their favourite passage from the Gospel of Matthew, including The Rev’d Mamuor Kunpeter, The Rev’d Nicole Anderson, The Rev’d Michael Calder and The Rev’d Elizabeth Donald-McConnell
Four members of our Diocesan community tell us about their favourite passage from the Gospel of Matthew, including Robert King, The Rev’d Loretta Tyler-Moss, The Rev’d Nic Denny-Dimitriou and Peter Branjerdporn
Four members of our Diocesan community tell us about their favourite passage from the Gospel of Matthew, including Bettrys Lowe, Colin Lim, The Rev’d Dr Ruth Mathieson and The Rev’d Jim Raistrick