“Those who belong to Jesus will be raised with physical bodies that are no longer subject to death and decay. This will be the case for all Christians, regardless of whether they have been buried or cremated,” says The Rev’d Charlie Lacey
“We can be confident that the Bible is true, and not in any way discredited by modern scientific discovery, however, we must always pay careful attention to the genre of any given text,” says The Rev’d Charlie Lacey from St Andrew’s, Springfield
“Trials and temptations are a feature of our daily lives and, whichever version of the Lord’s Prayer we use, we will effectively be asking for the Lord’s help in dealing with them,” says The Rev’d Charlie Lacey from St Andrew’s, Springfield
“Those who repent and put their faith in Jesus are reconciled to God and filled with the Holy Spirit. Moreover, their heart of stone is replaced with a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 11.19), and they begin the process of being changed and transformed into Jesus’ likeness. This means that, over time, the Christian will begin to see the world as God sees it, including God’s perspective on justice,” says The Rev’d Charlie Lacey from St Andrew’s, Springfield