anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Truth telling

Reflections Senior priests and elders outside a ration shed museum Reflections

"No wonder the writer of the Gospel according to John talks of the truth setting us free"

“Monday’s event at Cherbourg had originally been organised as part of the Truth-telling and Healing Inquiry commissioned by the previous Queensland Government and cancelled by the current one. Given that the Inquiry had lined up 20 elders to tell their stories, the Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council decided to host the event so that those who had gone through the emotional process of preparing for the hearing could be honoured,” says The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt

Local Australian, Queensland, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags Local

Statement from Anglican Church Southern Queensland leaders in support of the Truth-telling and Healing Inquiry and the Path to Treaty Act

“We first acknowledge the resilience and wisdom of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, particularly their willingness to engage so collaboratively and constructively in treaty and truth-telling processes…Treaty and truth-telling are essential elements to ensuring healing and reconciliation and to effectively addressing the socio-economic targets in the National Agreement on Closing the Gap,” say Archbishop Jeremy, Aunty Dr Rose, The Rev’d Canon Bruce, Bishop Cam, Bishop John, Bishop Sarah, Bishop Daniel and the Cathedral Dean

The Rev'd Glenn Loughrey has supplied artwork for a website designed to remember the violent dispossession of Australia’s First Nation peoples

A daily memorial to the costs of dispossession

An online monument acknowledging the violent dispossession of Aboriginal peoples features a daily format, partly inspired by the Anglican and Catholic daily reflective offerings. ACSQ Anglican priest The Rev’d Dr Ray Barraclough has compiled the website, which features artwork from Melbourne Anglican priest and Wiradjuri artist The Rev’d Glenn Loughrey


A Reconciliation message from Archbishop Phillip Aspinall

“Reconciliation begins with truth telling. Then it must involve taking action to set right situations where there is inequality, systemic racism or abuse of human rights…Peace and Reconciliation are central to the mission of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland. Strengthening and healing relationships with our First Nations peoples are fundamental to that mission,” says Archbishop Phillip Aspinall