“Through Nguma’s teaching I have learnt that no matter what trials I face, I can always find joy in my heart through my connection with God, as written in scripture,” says MaMu woman and Christian Phyllis Marsh from WestMAC, who will be speaking at this year’s Provincial Clergy Conference
“As Christians, we place a high value on peace. The Bible records Jesus of Nazareth saying: ‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God’…We believe that the implementation of the Voice through the proposed constitutional amendment wording will advance peace and the ongoing Reconciliation process, thus helping to foster healing and unify our country,” say Aunty Dr Rose Elu, Canon Bruce Boase, The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt, Anglicare’s Sue Cooke and the Anglican Schools Commission’s Sherril Butterworth in their recent Parliamentary submission