anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Youth and young adults ministry

News News

Brother Alois: Faith in Christ means strengthening unity

The Taizé community is well known in the Churches around the world for its encouraging accompaniment of young people on their faith journey. How has COVID-19 challenged the community located in Southern France, and what do the young people thirst for in the time when most of our interactions take place online? World Council of Churches Communications learned more on these topics from Brother Alois, prior of the Taizé community, who visited the WCC in the beginning of December


Making and maturing disciples of Jesus

“Personal touches and intentional follow up are really important at St Bart’s. We are a community and go through the valleys and peaks of life together. Instead of making assumptions that people are too busy to come to church, small groups or other ministry activities, we follow up to make sure that people are okay and if someone is sick or a loved one has passed away, we help care for them,” says the team from Resource Church St Bart’s, Toowoomba, while offering helpful ideas and resources for other churches to adapt and use